Health News

Common Habits that Associated with Kidney dysfunction

It is very hard to observe the symptoms of kidney damages in its early stage. Your kidneys play an important role by filtering waste material from the blood. Including blood filtering, kidneys have other functions like produce hormones, absorb minerals, produce urine and balance alkaline acid. Kidney dysfunction or reduced kidney function is mostly associated […]

Facts about Height and health

Growing process is termed as one of the essential course of human body. Not only human beings have to go through this natural process but also creatures other than this have a propensity to stature at some point in their being like animal, birds, trees and etc. All such beautiful things on earth tend to […]

Sweating – Good or bad

Sweating is also counted positive in terms, but is it really that much favorable to us? Let’s see, Sweating is probably a good sign of weight management but beside this it can be an adverse personality trait at time if neglected for such certain reason. You know the actuality behind extreme perspiration and stench associated […]

Aftermaths of quitting sugar

Sugar is one of the most admired food victual and it is utilized in almost all sweet courses that are eaten at the end of the meal in most religious. But in factual depleting excess of sugar can be intimidating health wise. Because the after consequences of the sugar are not so sweet rather it’s […]