Author : Anton Lawrence
With a successful track record, Anton Lawrence has proved himself to be one of the best Health Expert in medical sector. His accomplishment and knowledge towards this sector has helped many gain best of the knowledge through his informational blogs like: " Life hacks for healthy living". A hard working Health Expert and a blogger from Texas who loves living a simple life. He carries some of the wired hobbies such as collecting snake skin and underwater diving. Right from his childhood he has always been focused and goal oriented which has lead him towards this big successful path of becoming one of the most well-known, trusted and popular Health Expert. Anton spends most of his free time in reading, small simple research, blogging and travel new places. Anton is a major contributor to as a health blogger.In his five years of work experience with SureViagra he has played an important role as a dedicated blogger and health expert. His approach towards any blog post has always been with deep study, proper knowledge and appropriate trusted resources. Hence every part of his word in the blog can be counted as authenticated and appropriate. His love and passion for Health Expert since his childhood has proved him today to be one of the most knowledgeable and well popular man on Social channels. People across the world follow him on his social profile just not because of his important content that he shares but for way he explains every aspect in depth without missing on any topic. Other than this many follow him to be up-to-date on daily affairs, news, reports and lot more invention on Health industry.

Know about Obesity

Have you ever felt that the junk foods centers have grown largely these days? If yes, then for sure, you would have also noticed that obesity is increasingly becoming the major health threat to everybody in the world. Compared to the previous years, where eating healthy foods was in practice, the recent years where junk foods […]

Facts about Height and health

Growing process is termed as one of the essential course of human body. Not only human beings have to go through this natural process but also creatures other than this have a propensity to stature at some point in their being like animal, birds, trees and etc. All such beautiful things on earth tend to […]

Sweating – Good or bad

Sweating is also counted positive in terms, but is it really that much favorable to us? Let’s see, Sweating is probably a good sign of weight management but beside this it can be an adverse personality trait at time if neglected for such certain reason. You know the actuality behind extreme perspiration and stench associated […]