57305064_XSPotassium is most effective electrolyte, which has innumerable advantages for the human body. Its inadequacy can give rise to development of several chronic health issues, and induces a number of hazardous diseases.

The significance of the consequences of low potassium can be realized through the diseases that can takes place.

• Cardiac Arrhythmias:-
Also referred as dysrhythmia or simply arrhythmias, this medical condition is a lead outcome of potassium insufficiency. It signifies irregular heart activity. The heart rate may be sluggish, speedy or abnormal, but this type of activity can have a wide variety of effects. If the heartbeat is extremely speedy or sluggish, burden falls, and a person will feel giddy and pale. Sometime it can even augment risk of heart attack or unexpected death.

• Gitleman’s syndrome:-
This disorder is one of the less common inadequacy diseases that target the kidneys. The kidneys exceed essential minerals like potassium, sodium, chloride and magnesium into the urine, and eradicate them out of the body, instead of assimilating them into the bloodstream. Older children are highly vulnerable to it.

• Hypokalemia:-
Extremely low potassium level generates this condition. This medical condition consist symptoms like raise in blood pressure, constipation, respiratory issues, fatigue, muscular weakness and cramps.

• Diabetic complications:-
Lack of potassium has severe consequences on diabetics as well as non-diabetics. Inadequacy of potassium can contribute to glucose intolerance, as the discharge of insulin is hindered and this can result in diabetes. Along with diabetes, their blood glucose level can elevate drastically, if potassium element is lacking.

• Flaccid paralysis:-
This stimulates weakness or paralysis in the muscles and also raises threat of loss of muscle tone. This happens without any external risk factor like trauma.

• Bartter’s syndrome:-
This is a set of closely associated disorders that are same in symptoms to the Gitleman’s syndrome. A variation in the kidney tubules is known to have consequence on the sodium element in the kidneys. Large amount of sodium is lost, and the kidneys begin to eliminate potassium. Young children’s are highly prone to this disorder, and is a most common feature of insufficiency of potassium content.

• Rhabdomyolysis:-
In this illness, the skeletal muscle tissue collapses fast, and the products of the cell are discharge into the bloodstream. A protein named myoglobin is one of them products, is very hazardous to the kidney, and can contribute to kidney dysfunction.

• Renal tubular acidosis:-
This is another kidney disorder which takes place due to dearth of potassium in the body. In this disease, the kidneys evade producing acid into urine. Therefore, it gets gather in the blood.

• Hyporeflexia:-
When the nerves are lethargic or deficient in respond activity, the condition is referred as hyporeflexia. It is examined by attaining the patient in a tendon, with a reflex hammer.

• Congestive heart failure:-
This is incapability of the heart to supply as much as necessary blood to all organs of the body. It is an outcome of cardiac arrhythmias, and can contribute to cardiac arrest, lung paralysis and hypertension.

• Cushing’s syndrome:-
This disease is induced by a raise in element of a steroid hormone, named cortisol. Since it lead to hormonal inequity, the physicality of the person is affected, and tumor develops on the thyroid, lungs, and pancreas arise.

• Conn’s syndrome:-
A benign tumor on the external piece of the adrenal gland stimulates this syndrome. It then releases a hormone, aldosterone, with no control, and the kidneys emit potassium.

People who are highly vulnerable to dearth of potassium fall into the following set:
• Those preferring diuretics extensively
• Long term fasting and intense dieters
• People affected by kidney, heart diseases and diabetes
• People addicted to alcohol
• People suffering through severe diarrhea or vomiting
• People incorporating diet enriched with sodium
• People consuming less quantity of fruit and vegetable
• Elderly people
• People utilizing too much laxatives

Around 4700 mg or 4.7 gram of potassium per day is suggested for senior citizens. If found in adequate amount, it is known to cuts down risk of diseases such as stroke, infertility, hypertension, severe fatigue, osteoporosis, kidney stones, rheumatism, skin lesions and fractures.

Owing to potassium’s significance in bone structure and bodily functions, children should have enormous quantity of potassium, particularly newborn infants. Try best to stay away from supplements and give maximum preference to eating natural sources of potassium into your regimen. Soy products, meats, fruits and fish is excellent natural solution to beat lack of potassium problem forever. It involves number of diseases to realize the role of this small petty electrolyte in human health.

Apart from recommended medication, foods packed with potassium, such as green leafy vegetables, bananas, oranges, chicken, etc also aid substantially in dealing with potassium shortage. Keeping body hydrated all the time is a key to overcome this problem. Experts suggest against drinking abundant amount of plain water, as it will wash out all the minerals from the body. If the person is suffering through hazardously low level of potassium, then it’s wise to consult a doctor for further analysis.

When treatment is definitely probable, it is wise to prevent the condition at the initial stage, and the easiest way to do so, is to include maximum potassium rich vegetables and fruits to your everyday diet. One should instantly consult a health care professional, if hypokalemia symptoms, such as memory loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, confusion, anxiety, etc., commence showing up. As mentioned earlier, hypokalemia is kind of a severe diseases, and therefore, should not be taken easily.

Anton Lawrence
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