Know About Potassium Loss Causes and Symptoms

Potassium is an important mineral and well known as electrolyte that control the electrical activity of your body. Including potassium, there are many other electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium and calcium. The main function of these electrolytes is to transmit electric charge in your body. Most of the people are unaware with the importance of electrolytes, which supports your overall health and increase optimal performance. It is necessary to keep balance of electrolyte like potassium to achieve long term health benefits.

Potassium deficiency or potassium loss is medically termed as Hypokalemia. This mineral plays a crucial role and its small fluctuation increases the risk of health complications. Maximum amount of potassium found in the human body cells and only 2% potassium is institute in blood stream. For the normal function, body relies on the electrical signals and potassium mineral fulfill that requirement. It supports electrical function and also helps in the signal transmission in to entire body including heart. Insufficient amount of the potassium in to body affects the muscle function and hydration. For the healthy muscles, body need sufficient amount of potassium to break down and use proteins and carbohydrates.

In short, potassium is an important electrolyte that support overall cardiovascular system and improve heart muscle function. For the healthy life, everyone needs 4.7 grams of potassium in a day. But low level of the potassium affects the function of overall body muscles, including heart muscles. And it is cleared that risk of heart attack is more common in those people who has low potassium level.

Know about low potassium causes

Healthy eating is a best way to maintain the level of potassium mineral. But unhealthy diet is a common factor that contributes potassium deficiency. Apart from that, some health conditions also leads to the abnormal level of potassium such as vomiting, diarrhea, kidney diseases, alcohol use and excessive use of the laxatives. In case of vomiting and diarrhea, physicians always suggested potassium-sparing diuretics that reduce the risk of potassium loss. Eating healthy foods that rich in potassium is a safest way to maintain the level of potassium mineral.

Symptoms of Potassium deficiency

Mostly people just ignore the symptoms of potassium loss because of their mild nature. But ignorance of these symptoms can leads to the life threatening health problems. Most of mild symptoms of potassium loss are linked with the muscular system. These symptoms vary from person to person such as muscle cramps, extreme thirst, low blood pressure etc.

Common symptoms

Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps in the arms and legs are mostly experienced by people due to the deficiency of potassium. Lack of potassium in the body cells affects the function of overall body muscles. You should make an appointment with a professional physician, if muscle cramps not disappeared after some times. The combination of healthy diet and medical treatment will helps you to get rid over muscle cramps associated with potassium loss.

Abdominal cramping

Abdominal cramping is also related with potassium deficiency. In addition, abdominal discomfort, bloating and constipation are symptoms of potassium loss.

Feeling Lazy

Feeling lazy is a mild symptom of potassium deficiency and people always just ignored. If you are frequently- feeling lazy then must be consult with a medical practitioner immediately. Apart from these symptoms, depression, tingling, weakness, fatigue, health palpitations are the mild symptoms of potassium deficiency.

A simple blood test helps you to know about the potassium level. Immediately approach a professional physician for the diagnosis of potassium deficiency associated with electrolyte imbalance.

Potassium Rich Foods

Here are the lists of foods that contain important mineral potassium and maintain the level of fluid and electrolyte in the body. Consuming potassium rich foods is an easiest way to ensure body has optimum level of potassium. These foods prevent the risk of fatigue, hypertension, irritability and muscle cramps associated with potassium deficiency.

High Potassium foods list

White beans

Sweet potatoes

Dark leafy green vegetables (spinach)

Beet greens


Dried apricots

Swiss chard


Apart from that, tomato sauce, banana, broccoli, almonds and Brazil nuts are also healthiest source of potassium. It is necessary to consume these foods in raw form to get maximum amount of potassium. Because cooking can destroy the potassium mineral, so always consume in raw form.

Anton Lawrence
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Know About Potassium Loss Causes and Symptoms